New York Times honors Dr. Mark Wallace for early work during pandemic

New York Times opinion staffers created the “Fauci Awards” to honor public health officials for work they’ve done during COVID-19. Dr. Mark Wallace, former Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment director, was one of three doctors featured.
Wallace received the Times’ recognition for his work to protect low wage workers, namely the employees at JBS.
“It comes as a surprise for me,” Wallace said. “I certainly don’t do my job for recognition, but it certainly is nice to get recognition when people catch onto the work you do.”
Early in the pandemic, Wallace used his position to investigate the meat processing plant after reports indicated safety protocols — including physical distancing and COVID testing — were not available.
Wallace and state health director Jill Hunsacker Ryan ordered JBS to shut the plant down in April. It became a hot spot for the virus, and six workers died this year after contracting the disease.
The former public health official worked with Weld County for 25 years before retiring in May. Emails obtained by the Greeley Tribune in May indicate that the Weld County Commissioners sought to alter language related to COVID-19, including softening language in a press release about the county’s first pandemic-related death.
Wallace and his staff were also told that all social media posts, website updates and press releases needed to be cleared by Jennifer Finch, the county’s chief information officer.
The Weld County commissioners replaced Wallace with deputy director Mark Lawley, former Mountain View Fire Protection District CEO and fire chief.
The Times also honored Dr. Cathy Slemp, former West Virginia state health officer, and Dr. Nichole Quick, former Orange County health official. Both officials resigned earlier this year.
The Times reports that more than 60 public health officials nationwide have resigned, retired or been fired since the start of the pandemic. More than 10 officials in Colorado have left their posts.
“Sometimes the right decision isn’t the popular one. That’s why it takes guts to be a public health officer,” New York Times’ opinion writer Adam Westbrook said in the video. “It shouldn’t be this way. Our public health officials deserve our trust, support and recognition.”
Wallace, now the chief clinical officer at Sunrise Community Health, encouraged Weld County residents to continue washing their hands, practicing physical distancing, wearing masks and avoiding large gatherings.
He said health care workers aren’t frontline workers but are the last line of defense against the virus. Residents need to follow protocols to ensure health care workers can properly care for themselves and patients.
“I see more and more people doing the right thing even though folks are tired, and we’re all wanting this to be over,” Wallace said. “I just want to thank those who keep doing the right thing to protect others…that helps so much.”