Grist Magazine: Coal Reversal
Climate campaigners warm to "advanced coal" and
sequestration, despite Bush backing
By Amanda Griscom Little, 16 Dec 2005
Bush administration officials tried their darnedest to derail
international climate-change negotiations that wrapped up in
Montreal last week. But in the midst of their bombastic no-no-no-ing,
they did offer up one constructive idea -- a $950 million partnership
between the U.S. Department of Energy and industry leaders to build
FutureGen, a "prototype of the fossil-fueled power plant of the
future" -- perhaps hoping it would help redeem their negative
It didn't work.
"It was an inappropriate attempt at distraction," said
energy-policy specialist John Coequyt, who attended the
Montreal talks,
"while [Bush reps] squirmed under pressure from other
countries to provide evidence of some kind of a
meaningful or concrete
strategy related to climate."
Oh, and it wasn't a new idea either.
The FutureGen project was first proposed in 2003. The new
being touted this month is simply that the Bushies have
brought aboard
partners from the energy sector, including American
Electric Power,
Southern Company, and Foundation Coal, that will
collectively contribute
$250 million to the project. The bulk of the
$620 million that the DOE
plans to pony up on its own was allotted in
the energy bill that passed
this past August. The feds hope to get the
rest of the needed money from other energy R&D funds and an
unnamed group of "international partners."
FutureGen aims to build a soup-to-nuts demonstration facility
that would generate virtually zero-emission (yes, zero emission!)
electricity from coal -- billed by industry as "clean coal" -- within
the next decade. It would use "integrated gasification
combined-cycle" (IGCC) power-plant technology that first pressurizes
coal to produce a vapor, then filters carbon dioxide and smog-causing
pollutants from the gas before burning it.
The captured greenhouse gases would then be stored
underground where they couldn't contribute to atmospheric warming --
a technique known as "sequestration."
"FutureGen would be the first demonstration plant in the
world to combine the coal gasification process with carbon capture
and sequestration," DOE spokesperson Drew Malcomb told
The Winnning Coal
It's a far cry from a commitment to reduce greenhouse-gas
emissions. Still, on the face of it, FutureGen sounds pretty
In recent years, the IGCC concept has garnered support from
an increasing number of environmental advocates, who prefer to call
it "advanced" or "cleaner coal." These folks say coal can't
realistically be phased out within the next couple of decades, so we
should be using it more efficiently and cleanly while we transition
to renewable energy sources.
And they say carbon sequestration could play a key role
in making coal
more palatable.
Like it or not, a future without coal is politically
implausible in the
near term, says David Hawkins, director of the
climate program at the
Natural Resources Defense Council:"While as a
technical matter we could
run the world's economy without coal, as a
political matter it is not
going to happen fast enough. The fuel's
abundance and low cost make it
something that most political leaders
are unwilling to give up." About 50
percent of the electricity in the
U.S. is coal-powered, and coal is the
top power source in many
fast-developing countries. "We must do everything we can to
accelerate our use of renewables, but the renewable-energy future is
far too slow in coming to put all our eggs in that basket," Hawkins
argues. "We have to start reducing greenhouse gases before we phase
out fossil fuels."
Coequyt of Greenpeace is far more critical. He's concerned
that unresolved questions about sequestration -- including possible
leakage from storage reservoirs and acidification of underground
water supplies -- are getting lost in all the
There's also the reality that coal -- whether burned in dirty
old plants
or gasified in high-tech new ones -- is generally extracted
environmentally harmful methods. "Let's not forget that when
talking about coal you're talking about mountaintop mining,"
says Coequyt.
He cautions that enviros who support advanced coal "need
to clarify their message, because otherwise they are implicitly
supporting things they don't really condone."
Vision Sequester
These concerns are shared by many. Nonetheless, carbon
sequestration is getting a lot of attention these days from folks who
take the climate
challenge seriously.
The concept was talked up heavily in Montreal, according to
Coequyt. "The emphasis on coal and carbon storage was far more
pronounced than the emphasis on solar, wind, and other renewables,"
he says. "It was all over the place."
Some of that interest was driven by a report on carbon
dioxide capture and storage released two weeks prior to the Montreal
conference by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (This is
the same esteemed
group that released a widely cited 2001 report
stating the consensus of
some 2,000 climate scientists that much of
global warming is attributable to human activities.) The new report
is a whirlwind tour of potential methods for siphoning carbon from
fossil-fuel energy sources and stowing it underground or in the
"IPCC has brought a credibility to the steadily growing
awareness that
advanced coal and carbon sequestration need to be taken
seriously," said Jeff Fiedler, a policy specialist with the Climate
Center at NRDC, the
green group that has been more outspoken than any
other in its support for advanced coal.
The report was not necessarily a green light, though, Fiedler
"It does raise unresolved technical, economic, and
questions about the technology's viability, but still
confirms its
potential to be a key component of climate
Among the members of the IPCC review panel for the report was
Hawkins. He was particularly impressed by data regarding the
capacity of underground reservoirs worldwide that could be used
for carbon sequestration -- porous rock into which CO2 could be
injected. "The findings show that you could take a very large chunk
of the world's CO2 output for the next 100, possibly even 200, years
and stow it in these reservoirs," explains Hawkins. "It allows the
[sequestration] tool to be a significant player in the effort to cut
global warming. Perhaps it could handle as much as a third of the
reduction task, but meanwhile we need to work just as hard or harder
on the other tools: efficiency and
The day of the FutureGen announcement, the BBC reported that
the U.K.'s top science adviser, Sir David King -- a veritable Paul
Revere of climate science -- expressed unqualified support for carbon
capture and
sequestration, saying it's the only way to offset the
inevitable surge in
coal-burning in China and India. These two major
emerging economies have copious coal supplies and are currently
building on average at least one major coal-fired power plant every
two weeks, according to Hawkins.
Back to the FutureGen
While experts in a growing number of green groups like NRDC,
the World
Resources Institute, and the Sierra Club are opening up to
the idea of
advanced coal and carbon sequestration, that still doesn't
translate into
an endorsement of the Bush administration's FutureGen
plan. Many U.S.
activists see it as a costly and slow-moving PR gambit
rather than a
straightforward bid to advance cleaner energy
"FutureGen is to advanced coal what the FreedomCAR is to
hydrogen," says NRDC's Fiedler, "a fancy demonstration project that
amounts to a lot of long-term envisioning and little near-term
Instead of lavishing nearly a billion dollars on a full-scale
with a projected completion date of 2012, Fiedler argues
that the funds
would be better spent on research into sequestration
technology, which is still in early-stage development. "Coal
gasification is not the technical
challenge right now. There are
vendors who will sell you that technology
tomorrow. What we don't know
is how to make the carbon capture and storage part work," he
According to DOE's Malcolm, the department has devoted
$178 million to
carbon-sequestration R&D since 2001, and President
Bush has requested an additional $67 million for 2006. Still, critics
say, little of this has
been spent on the kind of demonstration
projects that are necessary to
prove the technology.
"Rather than do one full-scale facility [with the FutureGen
argues Fiedler, "the DOE should be doing five demonstrations
of carbon
capture and storage using existing streams of
Indeed, the clock is ticking on advanced-coal and
technology -- more so than on other potential climate
solutions given the alarming rate at which coal plants are being
built in the developing
world. But there's still time to preempt the
potential damage: according
to Fiedler, of the thousands of coal
plants that are projected to come
online worldwide between now and
2030, two-thirds have yet to be built.
By the time 2012 rolls around and the FutureGen project is
however, much of this damage will be done. Says Fiedler,
"If the Bush
administration is serious about proving this technology,
they either need
to do it now or not bother."
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Amanda Griscom Little writes Grist's Muckraker column on
environmental politics and policy and interviews green luminaries for
the magazine. Her articles on energy and the environment have also
appeared in publications ranging from Rolling Stone to The New York
Times Magazine.
to Dan Derber and Don Strimbeck for this update.....