From the Sierra Club via Jim Kotcon and Nicole Goode:

Check this out!  Be one of the 40 volunteers to get tested.

Better yet, we still need 3-4 volunteers to help with the event.


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Hello everyone,

The Sierra Club is holding an event next week that I think may interest you
or members of your organizations.  We will be sending 40 hair samples from
40 volunteers for mercury testing.  This is in response to a recent study
published by Environment America that ranked West Virginia fourth in the
nation for mercury pollution. If you could forward the event info to members
of your organization, or anyone who you think may be interested, it would be
much appreciated.

*What: *Hair Sampling for Mercury
*Where*: Toni Exquisite Hair, 918 Chestnut Ridge Road #2, Morgantown, WV
*When*: Thursday March 31st 10am-5pm
*Who*: Anyone, but preferably women aged 16-45
*Why*: A recent study published by Environment America ranked West Virginia
fourth in the nation for mercury pollution.  It is estimated that one in six
women of child-bearing age in America has enough mercury in her bloodstream
to put her child at risk of developmental and learning disorders and lowered
IQ, should she become pregnant.  While a teaspoon of mercury is enough to
poison an entire 20-acre lake, coal-fired power plants in the United States
emit hundreds of thousands of pounds of it into the atmosphere every year.
The mercury then finds its way into our streams and waterways through rain
and snow, where it builds up in fish, and then the animals-- and humans--
that eat the fish.

Thank you!!
Nicole Good
WV Sierra Club
Morgantown, WV
(304) 208-5013

Here is a link to an op-ed piece from a similar event in Kentucky.