Date: December 2, 2019 at 4:25:15 PM EST
Subject: Giving Tuesday is Tomorrow, MonValley Clean Air Coalition!
December 2, 2019
Dear MonValley Clean Air Coalition,
You might have seen that yesterday, in our excitement, we let the cat out of the bag early. We hope you think the early announcement was just as incredible as we do!
As we said yesteday, Clean Air Council and its new sister organization Clean Air Action Fund will work in lock-step to ensure that our elected officials and polluters of all kinds are held accountable and that you have a voice in the process that is stronger than ever.
If you'd like to see the original announcement again, we have it posted on our blog here.
To see an expanded list of the Council's 2019 achievements and victories that includes the topics discussed over the course of Membership Week, check out our blog here.
None of what we accomplished this year was possible without your support. As you well know, tomorrow is Giving Tuesday and I sincerely hope that you will consider a gift to the Council while all gifts are matched. I hope I can count on seeing your name as one of our 2020 supporters.
Joseph Otis Minott, Esq.
Executive Director and Chief Counsel
135 S. 19th Street
Suite 300
Philadelphia, PA 19103
P: (215) 567-4004
F: (215) 567-5791Pittsburgh
200 First St. Suite 200 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 P: (412) 954- 8494
100 W. 10th Street
Suite 607
Wilmington, DE 19801
P: (302) 691-0112