In West Virginia's beautiful Allegheny Highlands, rising global temperatures are changing historic weather patterns. The sensitive ecosystems of iconic landscapes like the Blackwater Canyon and Canaan Valley, and rare species like "Ginny" the West Virginia flying squirrel squirrel, -- are at serious risk from climate change. On Saturday, June 7, 2014, Friends of Blackwater will host a day-long public conference at Blackwater Falls State Park Lodge, with expert speakers and discussion opportunities, on the impacts of climate change on the Highlands region. Please mark June 7, 2014 in your calendar -- and click here for more conference information and to receive e-updates. We do not share your contact information. FOB Highlands Climate Change Impacts Project Leader Tom Rodd 304-265-0018 or 304-541-4494. FOB Charleston Office 304-345-7663 |