The media is (finally) waking up and smelling the coffee....the beans in Jamaica are roasting and the wind is from the South.
In addition to the Allegheny Transmission line public meeting south of Morgantown (thanks for your comments Jim K), yesterday was a big news day for electricity and global climate change (at least on public radio). Here are some links in case you missed them:
Jim referred to a story on coal-fired power plants, how some are being thwarted, and what Congress may do (or not) about capping carbon emissions:
WalMart, the store many love to hate, is switching some of its lights to LEDs (at least refrigerated case lights in its new stores). The company spends about $1Billion on electricity every year (I think that is what the guy said in this story), so they say a 1% savings is a lot of money:
The program
Justice Talking had an entire show on greenhouse gases and global climate change.
You can listen to/ download an mp3 of the entire show here
- paula hunt
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