Oppose Senator Murkowski’s Big Oil Bailout 

The Senate is poised to vote on June 10 on another bailout that protects Big Oil and other polluters. We strongly urge you to contact your Senators to defeat this Big Oil Bailout to reduce America’s oil dependence and protect air quality.

Please contact the following Senators and tell them to VOTE NO to the Murkowski Resolution

Senator Herb Kohl (D- WI)                 202-224-5653

Senator Carl Levin (D- MI)                         202-224-6221

Senator Arlen Specter (D- PA)          202-224-4254

Senator Robert C. Byrd (D- WV)       202-224-3954

Senator Mark Pryor (D- AR)               202-224-2353

Senator Olympia J. Snowe (R- ME) 202-224-5344

Senator Susan Collins (R- ME)         202-224-2523

Senator Kent Conrad (D- ND)           202-224-2043

Senator Byron Dorgan (D- ND)        202-224-2551

Senator Evan Bayh (D- IN)                                202-224-5623

Brown, Scott P. - (R - MA)                   202- 224-4543

Senator Jim Webb (D- VA)                202-224-4024


Gutting the Clean Air Act

Senator Murkowski’s resolution guts the Clean Air Act, a law with a proven 40-year history of cost-effectively cutting dangerous pollution, protecting human health and the environment, and spurring innovation. 

Tell Your Senators

Since 1990 when the Clean Air Act became law:

·         Emissions of six common air pollutants have declined by 41 percent, while gross domestic product has grown by 64 percent, according to the EPA.  

·         From 1997-2007 benefits outweighed the costs by a range of 3 to 1 to as much as 22 to 1. 

·         Lead levels in the ambient air have dropped by 91 percent since 1980, greatly reducing the number of children with IQs below 70 as a result of lead exposure according to the EPA.

The EPA has made absolutely clear that it does not intend to regulate small sources.

EPA’s new rule, which begins to take effect in 2011, requires coal-fired power plants (by far the nation’s largest source of the pollution), oil refineries, and other large polluters to use available technology to cut pollution when new facilities are constructed or existing facilities are upgraded in ways that increase pollution.  

Senator Murkowski’s resolution would halt clean vehicles initiative. 

America would use at least 450 million more barrels of oil as a result of blocking the new clean cars standards according to the Environmental Protection Agency.  All told, the impact on our oil dependence would be substantial because the Clean Air Act is the country’s most powerful policy tool to cut oil use through emission standards for vehicles.

Senator Murkowski is the # 3 recipient in Congress of money from Big Oil and the #2 recipient of money from electric utilities so far this election cycle.

Samuel E. Flenner III
Outreach Associate
Environmental Integrity Project
317.352.2339  c-317.850.0436