Victory in the US Fourth Circuit!
We've just won a case in front of the US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals that strikes a blow to the federal government's fast-tracking, environment-be-damned approach to transmission line siting under the NIETC process. The ruling makes it possible for a state utility commission to deny a transmission line project, without giving the utility a second bite at the apple at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Ruling in PEC's favor, the court overturned FERC's "expansive interpretation" of its own siting authority, and found that FERC violated Council on Environmental Quality regulations related to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The decision restores a semblance of federal-state balance in the overall transmission line siting process. Although it is unlikely to influence the Dominion/TrAILCo transmission line case, the decision could impact all future transmission line cases.
Court Rules: State Can=2
0Deny a Project
The Fourth Circuit ruling makes it possible (once again) for a state utility commission to consider a transmission line project, weigh the pros and cons, and then make a decision to deny a permit, without fear of federal reprisal. Under FERC's prior interpretation, a utility was virtually guaranteed two shots at getting their project approved. If the state wouldn't say 'yes', the utility could try again at the federal level.
9th Circuit Case Still Pending
This lawsuit was the first of two filed by PEC relating to the Department of Energy's National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors. The second, which seeks to overturn the DOE’s designation of multi-state corridors for transmission line siting, is pending before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.
This 4th Circuit ruling validates many of the ar
guments we've made over the past few years. Thanks for your support and continued donations to our Energy and Transmission campaign. We're working on energy efficiency and renewable bills down in Richmond, moving forward with our Virginia Supreme Court appeal, and playing an active role in the state and national discussion on transmission.
Very best,
Action and News from
Group Against Smog and Pollution
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Pittsburgh Healthy School Bus Fund helps reduce kids' exposure to toxic diesel exhaust
News Coverage from the press conference:
Healthy School Buses Unveiled For Pittsburgh Students
Other recent school bus press:
Write a letter to the Post Gazette or Pittsburgh Tribune Review editors to let them know that cleaning up school buses is a priority to you. Why aren't more school districts and school bus contractors taking advantage of local funding?
Let us know if you submit a LTE.
Take Action! |
Tell the Board of Health to protect children's health by making it easier for local school districts to clean up their school buses
If you've already taken this action -- Thank You! If not please do so today.
The Allegheny County Board of Health has allocated $500,000 from the Clean Air Fund to retrofit school buses in the county with emission reduction technology. In its current form, the program
requires most school districts which apply to match 25%. This appears to be a deterrent and the fund is not being used. Ask Board of Health members to remove the match by writing to Please copy Click here to learn more about the Allegheny County Diesel School Bus Retrofit Program.
In the news |
"HARRISBURG - Environmental Protection acting Secretary John Hanger said today the commonwealth has filed an appeal with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court seeking to overturn a recent state court opinion that declared Pennsylvania's Mercury Rule "unlawful, invalid and unenforceable." "
Volunteers Needed! |
Website Redesign
GASP is looking for volunteers to work on our website redesign. If you are interested please contact Lee at |
Nominate YOUR Environmental Hero! |
This year, GASP is celebrating its 40th year of working to clean up the air in southwestern PA. We'd like to celebrate by recognizing 40 "Environmental Heroes" for the good work that they've done for the environment in the greater Pittsburgh area.
Click here to nominate someone or find out more information.
Become a member of GASP |
GASP is a membership organization. In addtion to grants from private foundations and government agencies, we depend on donations from individuals to help us conduct education and advocate for clean air and a healthy environment. Learn more about GASP membership.
We appreciate your participation on the GASPalerts email list. Working together, we can make a difference in our region's environment. We won't trade or sell your address with other organizations or inundate you with mailings. Thank you.
Group Against Smog and Pollution
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