To:  Mon Valley Clean Air Coalition
From:  Duane Nichols, Convenor
RE:  Global Warming Bus to D.C.
I hope you can join us in D.C.  We will have a bus leave from
Morgantown at 6 AM on March 20th from WVU. The bus
will leave and return from the Agricultural Sciences Building.

The Bus will leave D.C. and head back to Morgantown at 4 PM

Our goal is to have 50 people join us from West Virginia. I will be
visiting Morgantown on March 14th and 15th to help recruit for the
Thanks so much for your help!
Samuel Goldman
Climate Crisis Action Day Organizer

Climate Crisis Action Day is March 20, 2007
NOTE:  Click on the web site just above to find out more on details and to sign
up for the trip..............

Temperatures are rising across the globe, and the impacts are devastating. But a new Congress is in session, and we have an opportunity unlike any we've seen in years.

That's where you come in. Join thousands of dedicated activists for an action day at the US Capitol building in Washington, DC on March 20, 2007, along with politicians, celebrities, and community leaders. We'll even take you into the halls of Congress to meet your elected officials.

What are we asking for? Sensible solutions to global warming, a path to a clean energy future, and permanent protections for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge – a land perpetually threatened by a warming planet.

YES! I want to come to Washington, DC at 11am on March 20th.

Sign up at:



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