Notice of Comment Period
Department of Environmental Protection
This mailing is to advise the public that
we have prepared a draft air quality
permit for West Virginia University
Hospitals Inc. to construct and operate two
emergency generators located in Morgantown,
Permit Number: R13-2624
West Virginia University Hospitals Inc.
will discharge the following regulated
air pollutants and associated amounts.
0.18 tons per year particulate matter
less than 10; 0.34 tpy volatile organic
compounds; 1.16 tpy carbon monoxide;
7.72 tpy nitrogen oxides; and 0.30 tpy
sulfur dioxide. The facility is located
in Morgantown,
Monongalia County,
Please fax, mail or e-mail any comments
on the draft permit to the address
below, postmarked on or before June
13, 2005. Comments may include a
for a public hearing. A hearing may be
held if DEP finds a significant degree
of public interest, or if the hearing
would clarify issues.
You can view the draft permit,
application, and, if available, a fact sheet,
all at no cost, at the office below. Call
or e-mail to make an appointment. If
you would like a copy of any information,
copying and mailing costs may apply.
Division of Air Quality
601 57th Street, Southeast
WV 25304
Contact Jerry Williams
Phone: (304) 926-0499, ext. 1223
Fax: (304) 926-0478
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I realize the comment period has past for
the second notice, but I think it is a good idea to be aware of this as it
just adds to the over-all accumulative concentrations of air pollution.