From: James Kotcon <>
Date: September 10, 2014 12:12:48 PM EDT
To: Allan Tweddle <>, "" <>
Cc: Don GARVIN <>, Vivian Stockman <>, WVEC Email List <>, John Barry <>, Gary Zuckett CAG <>, Janet Keating <>, "Sierra Club Environmental Comm." <>
Subject: Re: [EC] Op-Ed in today's Gazette

Allan, et al.

 We are planning a forum on this topic at the WVEC Fall Convention (Oct. 17-19 at Cedar Lakes in Ripley).  This will likely be on Saturday, Oct. 18.  The meeting is joint with the WV Highlands Conservancy Fall review, and legislative strategies are the primary topic.  I also hope to emphasize some state agency actions, as WV-DEP will need to propose a state implementation Plan to EPA under the proposed greenhouse gas standards for power plants in the Clean Power Plan. 

EPA is urging states to "think beyond the fence" to include energy efficiency, renewables, and fuel switching , something that DEP may not be inclined to do.  I think that will mean a significant effort to get DEP (which regulates "inside the fence" pollution controls) to work with the WV-PSC (which would over see energy efficiency and other "outside the fence" activities).

 A key step may be to amend the horrible HB 4346 which limits DEP's authority to implement greenhouse gas standards.

 There may be other, more holistic approaches, but a lot of that may depend on whether the Democrats keep control of the WV House of Delegates, and whether we can defeat some of the most extreme climate deniers.

 Who will be joining us?

 Jim Kotcon