From: Keely, Cynthia A []
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 5:10 PM
To: Keely, Cynthia A
Cc: Respiratory Care
Subject: New West Virginia Asthma Fact Sheets now available
Importance: High
Hello All:
The attached fact sheets are on specific populations in West Virginia who are adversely affected by Asthma along with “care tips for managing asthma” for each group. These items are made possible through the WV Asthma Education and Prevention Program and the WV Health Statistics Center. They can be viewed on the program’s website at under the Statistics and Surveillance tab.
Please forward these items to those who may be interested.
Thank You,
Cynthia Keely Wilson, BA, RRT
West Virginia Asthma Education and Prevention Program
Program Manager
350 Capitol St., Rm 206
Charleston, WV 25301
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