Sorry to miss the upcoming meeting because of a previously scheduled conflict.  Please send address to which I can forward my check for $20.


Larry (Schwab)


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 1:19 PM
Subject: [MVCAC] Input for Wed. Meeting


Let me provide some information and make a few requests:


1.  The MVCAC checking account balance as of 11/30/08 was $1555.58.

[A check for $248.00 was payed earlier in November].


2.  If we take up a collection at each meeting of the MVCAC and

document the individual contributors, then we can help to satisfy

our IRS guidelines for our 501(c)3 status.   I'll give Paula my

check for $20. this week.


3. I make a motion that we renew our Post Office Box no. 4679 for

another year under the provision that we will not renew for 2010

unless we double our membership (or active participants).


4. I make a motion that we renew our membership in the West

Virginia Environmental Council, and ask Paula to send in our

annual dues (unless this has already  been done).


5.  I suggest that we invite a representative of the Group

Against Smog & Pollution [GASP] from Pittsburgh to our

next meeting, with the intention to consider a joint (co-operative)

agreement with GASP for a one-year trial period. [[GASP has

a portable meter for PM 2.5 that could be demonstrated.]

 [I would be willing to make the contact, or defer to others.] 


6.  Now we know that the water quality of the Monongahela

River influences the air quality in the Monongahela River valley

and beyond, given that those powerplants using river water in

their evaporative cooling towers have been experiencing problems

from the high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) in the river water.

Therefore, we can raise this issue in the public press and before

the state agencies.


7.  The third meeting on the quality of the Mon River will be

held this Friday at 10 am in the Airport Annex (lower level).

The Director of the Water and Wastewater Division of the

WV-DEP will be there to discuss the TDS problem(s).

The meeting host is the Upper Mon River Association.


8.  I propose that we take a position of continued opposition

to the TrAIL power line as well as the proposed PATH line.

These lines are not "smart gird" lines, they were not designed

to optimize the delivery of electricity from alternative energy sources,

they encourage and support power plants that produce high levels

of carbon dioxide, and given the need for energy conservation

in the nation--these transmission lines are not needed.


9.  I move that we take a position in opposition to proposed

coal gasification plants, whether for electricity generation or coal-

derived hydrocarbon liquids, because these proposed plants have

no demonstrated means for carbon dioxide control or containment.

One such plant has been proposed for Mingo County in southern

West Virginia and another is under consideration for Marshall Co.

in the northern panhandle by CONSOL Energy.  


We're off to the viewing and funeral for my step-father.







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