From: Clean Air Council <>
Date: March 30, 2015 at 11:09:11 AM EDT

Subject: Time to honor shalefield voices, not oil and gas industries!

March 30th, 2015

Dear MonValley Clean Air Coalition,

Have you seen the news from last week? The Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association stated that shalefield residents and public interest groups should "have no place" on oil and gas oversight bodies.

Interested in doing more to make some noise around this issue? Jump on facebook and twitter and use the hashtag #peskypublic to tweet @GovernorTomWolf and @JohnHQuigley.

Here is a sample tweet for you to use:

Hey @GovernorTomWolf and @JohnHQuigley! Thanks for adding important public voices to O&G oversight. Stand up to @PIOGA4PA! #peskypublic

Thanks for taking action on this important issue. Residents in the shalefields deserve to be heard on how fracking is impacting their lives every day!


Sam Koplinka-Loehr

Shale Gas Organizer, Clean Air Council

215.567.4004 x115


135 S. 19th Street
Suite 300
Philadelphia, PA 19103
P: (215) 567-4004
F: (215) 567-5791


107 N. Front Street
Suite 113
Harrisburg, PA 17101
P: (717) 230-8806
F: (717) 230-8808


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Suite 607
Wilmington, DE 19801
P: (302) 691-0112